
In this blog you will find a list of inexpensive rewards to implement our new Reinforcement System. The purpose of this blog is to give you a space in which you can add new ideas of rewards that you have used in the past or that you are inventing. Feel free to post any rewards you want and/or comments to the rewards already in place. You can also follow any changes posted by any of the users by subscribing your email to this blog.SBISD

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

PBIS Reinforcers for 1st Grade

First Grade Rewards:

1.) Lunch with friend
2.) Pick job for the week
3.) No shoes for the day
4.) Work Posted in a public place (hallway)
5.) Positive phone call, or note, home
6.) Scented hand dot
7.) Choose reward

1 comment:

  1. This list offers choice and should motivate. How will you plan to let them know that they are on their way to earning these rewards?
